Extract from the Terms of Service.

The full text of the document is available at the link

Terms of Service.

8. Delivery

8.1. Ordered goods are usually dispatched within two days of receipt of payment and are routed through the selected forwarder. The order can be delivered to the automatic delivery terminal. In addition, you can pick up the order at the delivery point. The delivery method is selected within the scope of orders.

8.2. The seller provides the buyer with information on tracking the shipped order.

8.3. Shipping charges include handling and packaging fees, as well as postage costs. The seller packs the goods in boxes of sufficient size so that the goods are well protected.

8.4. The goods are delivered by a transport company of the Seller's choice.

8.5. During the order, the Buyer undertakes to indicate the exact place of delivery of the Goods. The exact cost of delivery depends on the weight and price of the ordered Goods and is determined by the transport company.

8.6. The Buyer's order is executed before the planned delivery day specified in the item referred to in clause 5.6. shipment notification, except in the event of events Uncontrolled by the Seller (as described in part 15 of these Rules).

8.7. The Seller does not guarantee that the Goods will in any case be delivered within the period specified in this clause, especially if the ordered Goods are not in the Seller's warehouse. The goods are delivered throughout the territory of the Republic of Estonia.

8.8. The ownership of the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the courier transfers the Goods to the Buyer. The risk of accidental loss or damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment when he or a person authorized by him, other than the courier, accepts the goods. If the Buyer himself chose the carrier of the Goods, and the Seller did not offer such a delivery option, the risk specified in this part passes to the Buyer from the moment the Goods are transferred to the carrier.

8.9. During the delivery of the parcel, the Buyer or, in a specific case, the Buyer's representative is obliged, together with the representative of the transport company, to check the condition of the packaged parcel, guided by the rules of the organization (s) providing courier services.

8.10. In case of damage to the packaging, the Buyer or, in a specific case, the Buyer's representative has the right not to accept the parcel. In this case, the representative of the organization providing courier services, together with the Buyer or, taking into account the specific case, the Buyer's representative, fills out a special report on checking the parcel, in which the detected damage is recorded.

8.11. If the Buyer or, in a specific case, the Buyer's representative accepts the parcel and affixes a signature in the data storage device or paper delivery confirmation provided by the representative of the organization providing courier services without comment, it is considered that the Goods were delivered in intact packaging, additional services specified in the storage device data or paper proof of delivery are duly provided, unless proven otherwise.

8.12. After the delivery and transfer of the Goods to the address indicated by the Buyer, it is considered that the Goods have been transferred to the Buyer, regardless of whether the Buyer or any other person who received the Goods at the indicated address actually accepted the Goods. If the Goods are not delivered on the planned delivery day, the Buyer immediately, but no later than the next day after the planned delivery day of the Goods, informs the Seller about it.

8.13. If the Goods will not be accepted by the Buyer, the Buyer is obliged to indicate the details of the person who will accept the Goods by filling in the order delivery information.

8.14. Upon acceptance of the Goods, it is necessary to present a valid identity document in order to properly identify the Buyer. If the Buyer cannot accept the Goods himself, and the Goods are delivered to the address indicated by the Buyer, the Buyer has no right to file claims with the Seller regarding the delivery of the Goods to an inappropriate person.

8.15. The Buyer is obliged to check the packaging, quantity, quality, assortment, completeness, and completeness of the Goods within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the Goods. If within the specified period, the Buyer does not fulfill this obligation and does not file a claim with the Seller, it is considered that the packaging of the Goods is proper, and the quantity, quality, assortment, completeness, and equipment comply with the terms of the Agreement.